access_time 2022-12-23T16:11:31.955Z face DrDent_Notes
MUSCLE OF MASTICATION: Primary and Secondary Muscles: Movements, Actions, Embryology, Origin and Muscle Fibre Insertion, Nerve and Blood Supply, and Functions MUSCLE OF MASTICATION Primary and Secondary Muscles: Movements, Actions, Embryology, Origin and Muscle Fiber Insertion, Nerve and Blood Suppl...
access_time 2022-12-16T06:49:52.83Z face DrDent_Notes
THE MANDIBLE: Anatomy, Foramina, Muscle attachments, Ossification, Age Changes, Blood and Nerve Supply, Lymphatic Drainage The Mandible Anatomy, Foramina, Muscle attachments, Ossification, Age Changes, Blood and Nerve Supply, Lymphatic Drainage The facial skeleton (viscerocranium) comprises 14 facia...
access_time 2022-12-10T03:46:26.04Z face DrDent_Notes
THE TOOTH: Types, Function, Structure, and Nomenclature The Tooth Types, Function, Structure, and Nomenclature Humans have two sets of teeth in their lifetime. The first set of teeth, the primary or deciduous dentition, starts forming in utero at about 14 weeks and is completed postnatally at about ...
access_time 2022-12-02T07:26:02.513Z face DrDent_Notes
Local Anaesthesia: Definition, Composition, Classification, Doses, Mechanism of Action and Complications Local Anaesthesia Definition, Composition, Classification, Doses, Mechanism of Action and Complications Local anaesthetics (LA) are drugs that are used to cause a reversible loss of sensation by ...